Thursday, July 23, 2009

D.I.Y. Hijab Pins

D.I.Y. Hijab pins

Hate paying shipping prices for something that costs less then $3 ? Me too! So… I am making my own hijab pins! And you can to, here is how:

What you will need:

  1. A glue gun (or any super strong glue)
  2. Straight pins
  3. Cute fashion gems
  4. Pliers or those fancy jewelry pliers

    Step 1: bend tops of the pins if they need it in order for the gen to fit.

    Step 2: place a small amount of glue on the back of the gem.

    Step 3: quickly place pin on the glue and hold firmly.

    That's it! Enjoy!


Stephanie said...

Wow that's an awesome idea. I think I could even overcome my adversion to all things crafty in order to do this.

ayah said...

great idea!! will certainly try it out inshAllah, thanks sis!

struggling said...

InshAllah I'm going to try this once we move, what a great idea!!

shahadashy said...

So simple. What a great idea! thanks for sharing

Yasemin said...

I usually use needle pins that end up hurting me when I least expect it! I love this brilliant idea, those are SO SO pretty!

mint.fresh.muslim said...

So cute :-D

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